For now at least…

Life is a busy thing, and it will steal every last drop of time from you if you let it. Which is why I’ve been having to learn how to prioritize. It’s not easy, but I am convinced it will be worth it. Here are two things that have helped me:

  1. “Whenever there is competition, be sure that you put your relationship to God first.” —Oswald Chambers
    In other words, if you have more than one thing to do, do God’s work first.
  2. This method method called Pomodoro that is basically a timer. I have found it is a lot easier to get things done in small chunks (say, an hour) than all at once. There is an app for Android devices called Achieve-Productivity Timer that also gives you a to do list, but you could also just use your built in timer!

What methods have helped you become more productive?

Praying For Fictional Characters

Recently I was in the midst of a very intense part of a book. When the suspense was relieved and the main character escaped, I found my mentally saying “THANK YOU, JESUS!” Shortly after this thought I though why did I just pray for a book character?

This has happened on more than one occasion, especially when the book talks about how God work in a certain character’s life. It makes you wonder if you have gone insane. If you are still denying that you have done it, you are either lying or not a Christian. If you are the former, stop lying. It is a sin. If the latter, get saved!

Anyway, I just find this strange phenomena amusing. It is like saying, “God, I know Johnny is not real, but can you help him right now because he in a really tight spot. He is saved, too. Amen,” and expecting the book to end happily. We are gravely mistaken. The author of your favorite character’s destiny is the author, not the Author.


What fictional character have you prayed for?

I Hate Abridged Versions

Abridged versions are pure evil. Why? There are many reasons, my child.

1. They use a different style

if writing than the author used
Abridged versions are written by someone else who interprets the writing in his own way. This leads to writing style catastrophe. For instance, if an “abridger” can write in third person best he us going to write that way, even if the book he is abridging is written in first person. This takes away the perspective the author gives to the scene, hence degrading the work.

2. Dumbed down

This one is pretty self explanatory. The whole point of abridged versions and the main reason I dislike them. The author might have intended his book for a specific audience, but now it is dumbed down for a different one. Then there are books that I do not see how they can possibly be abridged and yet they are. Take The Phantom of the Opera, for example. It is a very easy read and yet people have managed to some how abridge it. Do they just want to make it shorter? It does not make any sense.

3. Interpretation

A book is meant to be interpreted by the reader. It is the author’s job to convey his feelings through words to his audience, — the reader — but readers always interpret things slightly different. Because of this, part of the original meaning is lost in abridged versions. You do not get the full experience. Sad.

4. It’s the author’s book

Abridged versions are copies of an original work. If you wrote a book, would you want someone else to rewrite it in different words? I think not. It is the author’s book and I think it should stay that way.

5. They are for children, not for you!

Abridged books are here so kids can read books that they will not be able to read for a long time. If you are over the age of ten you should not be reading abridged books. You should be smarter and more literate than that. If you are over ten and read abridged novels that is just sad. God gave you a good mind so you can use it, not let it take the easy way. Give yourself a challenge every now in then!

6. Just look at “abridged Bibles”

“Abridged Bibles” is my name for Bible translations that try to use “modern terminology” so much that they loose part of the Scriptures meaning. An example of this is The Message. Sure, it is ok for cards and kid’s books, but when you read it it only gives you the surface meaning. Try to compare it with the King James Version (yes, I know not everyone can understand it easily but if you try it gets easier with time) or even with the New International Version — you can even tell it is the same verse! These “abridged Bibles” clearly show why I have such a distaste for abridges versions. When you buy a Bible, please make sure it is a decent translation.

7. Most people use them as a shortcut for “reading” long books

These people make me mad. They are like, “I love this book!” and they have not even read the real thing. They read the abridged version because they were to lazy to read the longer and more challenging original. Give your mind a challenge and read a big book! You might find you like it.

8. People accidentally buy them

These books are annoying to people who buy the originals. I know have almost done it before. This especially happens on amazon. You think you are buying the real thing, but when you get it it is the abridged version. Goodbye fifteen dollars! It was nice knowing you! Do you not love false advertising?

9. They have weird pictures

Have you ever noticed that most abridged versions and classics have really weird pictures? It is hard to find ones that do not. They are usually those pictures shaded with lines, too. I think that is because when the used printing presses it would be more efficient to use lines. Just a guess. If you know please tell me in the comment!

10. Why settle for less?

Finally my last point is simple: why settle for a lesser novel? Your smart, and you probably like the story line since you are debating on whether to read the thousand page original or its lesser paged counterpart. So go big and be creative. Read on.
Please excuse my excessive use of quotation marks.

A Little About Me (Me Being A)

For my first ever blog post I have decided to tell you a little about myself. First off, I absolutely love books. One’s favorite authors tell a lot about their so here are some of mine: Ted Dekker, Frank Peretti, C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, Victor Hugo, and Bonhoeffer. I would tell you my favorite book, but I have too many. My second favorite thing is tea and coffee. My favorite tea (so far) is ginger tea. Mocha Frappes are the best coffee ever. My third is movies and tv shows. Doctor Who, Sherlock, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Labyrinth, Frozen, The Agony and the Ecstasy, and Lion King — need I say more? The one thing I absolutely love, though, is Jesus. He saved my life.

I know this post is short, but hey it is my first post so oh well!

Has your life been saved? Continue reading